Weekly blog

Read my weekly blog to read all about aquatic pet care and information 

The basics 

Fact sheets, information and bite size learning 

Did you know... 

Funny facts, images and information about aquatic pets

Meet our stars


Buttercup is a gold axolotl. DOB 09/23
We are not positive of her sex yet, but so far is presenting as female. 
She lives in our 200L tank with Toothless and Bubbles.


Spectrum is a Halfmoon Betta. DOB 01/23
This is one of our male Betta, he is very gentle and docile, to the point he became stressed without tank mates. 
He shares a 30L tank with our most of our Cherry Shrimp and a mystery snail.

Cherry Shrimp

Our Cherry Shrimp, also known as Neocaridina heteropoda, started with 2 Blue Dreams and 2 Green Jade and have breed into hundreds. 
They mostly live with Spectrum in our 30L tank, but some are moved to other tanks to ensure the breeding lines stay strong.


Toothless is a melanistic axolotl. DOB 10/22
As Toothless is over 18mo and still presenting as female, we are confident she is female.  
She lives in our 200L tank with Buttercup and Bubbles.


Axel is a wild type axolotl. DOB 06/22
At 18mo Axel presented as a male and was moved to his own tank.
He lives in our 100L tank with some Cherry Shrimp. 


Julia is a Halfmoon Betta. DOB 10/23
This Male Betta belongs to my 8yo daughter. His tank has more fake plants and is lower maintenance as she is still learning how to take care of her fish. The only live plants are emerging. 
He shares a 20L tank with some of our Cherry Shrimp and young mystery snails.


Bubble is a leucistic axolotl. DOB 09/23
We are not positive of her sex yet, but so far is presenting as female. 
She lives in our 200L tank with Toothless and Buttercup.


Obsidian is a Halfmoon Betta. DOB 01/24
This is one of our male Betta, he is so far our smartest Betta, who we are training to follow basic instruction.
He shares a 20L tank with some of our Cherry Shrimp and a mystery snail.

Our 300L tropical community tank is home to a number of peaceful fish, including green neon tetra, kuhli loaches, yoyo loaches, gourami, a pleco, 4 female betta and many more. 

Learn how to keep pets that THRIVE, not just SURVIVE